Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Self Do It!

When I was a little girl, I was very determined (so my mom says)... For example, my mom had to get velcro shoes for me because I wouldn't let her tie my shoes... I would say, "Self Do It!!!," throw tantrums, and usually make a scene (sorry mom).  So, it is no surprise that I have a child who is very determined.  For the past few weeks, Jed has been increasingly frustrated during feeding time.  He wines and grabs for the spoon.  It seems like he only likes his little puffs.  As I studied this behavior more and more I realized that it was more him wanting to feed himself.  Yesterday I researched good first finger foods and this morning we went to the grocery store.  

He LOVED it... I cut up bananas, cooked carrots, avocado and watermelon.

 I read about ways to make it easier for him to grab onto the food... they suggested making a powder out of puffs or in my case Trader Joe's form of Cheerios.  (If you use Cheerios, make sure you don't use honey nut... infants aren't suppose to have honey.)  I used a coffee grinder.  Then roll the food in the powder and serve.   Jed found it much easier to pick up and for me, it was a bit less messy... even though we still had to change clothes.  

 He was a happy boy!

 The dogs were happy too!  I remember when my niece Aubrey Rose would eat over here... the dogs would LOVE it... one for me, one for you, two for me, one for you... 
I hope this keeps him happy for a while!


  1. Great job Allie! I will say this . . . all that "self do it" paid off and helped you accomplish much while growing up!
    Three Cheers for the "Self do it" baby!!
