Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Evening

It is so wonderful having both sides of the family in town.  We celebrated the morning with my family and drove 10 minutes to be with Jesse's family.  We woke Jed from his nap a bit early so he was slightly tired (as you can see in some of the pictures...).

I just love his Santa outfit.  Thanks Grandma D!
 The back is so cute!
I think the best view is the profile.  His little belly sticks out just like Santa!  (It is funny because Aubrey Rose is always commenting about Jed's big belly!!!)
 It was such a blessing being able to spend the entire afternoon with Uncle Blake, Auntie Cherie, Aubrey and Austin!!!

And of course, Uncle Aaron and Aunie TT!
 "Apa" and Jed.  Jed LOVES following "Apa" around the house... when Oma is watching him on days that I work, he follows Opa around the house saying "Apa" "Apa"... Poor Opa, he can't get any work done!  (But he loves it!)
 This year, each couple had to incorporate the kids in some sort of skit acting out some part of Christmas.  Oma and Opa used a baby doll (as Baby Jesus), had Aubrey be an angle, although she insisted on being Mary, and the boys (including Blake) were the 3 wise-men.   
 Jed is eating the frankincense... 
 Mary, Baby Jesus, a wise-man with muir (such imagination).  Look at that proud mother! 
 Aaron and TT told the story of Mary coming on the donkey to Bethlehem.  Austin was the right size for the part so he was Mary...
 LOVE this picture so much!!!  
 Blake and Cherie did Rudolph the RED nosed (or bowed) reindeer (or aubreydeer).  Jed was riding one of the reindeers and Austin was riding the other (or Cherie's leg)... It was pretty funny!
 Jed wanted to ride his reindeer again!
Jesse and I, going last, did what was left... Aubrey was the ghost of Christmas past... she was acting like she didn't like Christmas.  (Convincing performance???)  
 Oma and Jedidiah.  Such a great picture!  

 Time to open presents!
 Blake has laminated posters all throughout his garage.  Recently, I came across an old signed cheerleading poster from when I was a cheerleader at Fresno State.  So, it was his lucky day!  I don't know how excited he was, but I thought it was hilarious, especially because I think he would have made a great cheerleader!
 Jesse helping Jed open a present.
 It's Jed's first doctor kit!  Stethoscope, blood pressure kit, syringe... the works!  Thanks Aaron and TT!
 Oma got Aubrey a princess pillow for when she stays at Oma's house.
 Oma and Opa.  So happy!
 Jed, my sweet little boy, doesn't he look tired.  Well, he was!  He slept so much that evening and the next day... lets just say he was catching up from all of the stimulation!  
Most importantly, it is just great to be reminded of why the season of Christmas is so special.  We were given a Gift, Christ, born a baby.  He is the reason for the season of CHRISTmas.  I hope we never forget that.  

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