Sunday, April 15, 2012


 This weekend we spent time in Carmel with our great friends the Cadieuxs!  Even though we planned last minute, it turned out to be a relaxing weekend with lots of fun activities for the little ones.  We went into Monterey for some clam chowder... yummy!  The seals were out in full force, the sun was shining and the kids were loving the freedom to explore!  The kids loved playing together (we practiced to sharing and nicely play with each other)!

Breann, Kris and Emry (who is 1 month older then Jed)
 The seals were swimming around... doing who knows what...???
 Jed and Emry loved running around a stairwell (that was closed for the record), and found themselves playing a game of chase!  So fun!

 Even though it looks like Jed is licking the post, he isn't!
 Checking out the seals in the water.
 We walked down the way to the other pier where there are a ton of birds and seals.  Jed looked and looked and looked at the seals and birds! 

 According to the sign, the birds nest on the pier.
 We had an escape plan for the potential tsunami!

The dirty kids needed a bath!

 We took a walk the next morning and went exploring more!  We found a little park area in downtown Carmel where the Jed and Emry climbed the benches and watched the water fountain.

 Sweet Emry.
 Jeds exploring hands.

 Learning together.

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