Monday, June 20, 2011

Seattle, Washington

While in Washington we made a day trip into the city of Seattle. It was a crystal clear day... gorgeous!!! We parked in Pioneer Square, which is the old part of Seattle. It was about a 30 minute walk from Pioneer Square to Pikes Place Market. It was great to see the water and all of the historic parts of Seattle.

Pioneer Square
We found a pier and looked at the water and mountains surrounding the city. It was so beautiful!
Who would have thought that Seattle would have a gum wall just like San Louis Obispo... well, my cousin Jonathan knew about it! We had to visit and my mom, Jesse and Jonathan contributed to it! (I can't stand the thought of the germs on that wall!)
We had to see the very first Starbucks!
The flowers in the market were GORGEOUS!!! And inexpensive!
The produce was amazing... we tasted some fun stuff... different olive oils, chocolate pasta... yumm!
After a morning of walking we sat at a park at the north end of Pikes Place Market and each got food from where ever we wanted. Jesse got clam chowder... my mom and I got paninis and root beer, my grandpa, aunt and cousin got pizza... Jed loved looking at the cars and eating the top of the root beer bottle...
After lunch we walked to the monorail which took us to the Space Needle. There is a really cool fountain down town with a path that goes in the middle of it. My mom dared the boys to stick their heads through the fountain. Both did... the only difference is that Jesse had rain gear on and didn't get wet! Jonathan got soaked!!!
Of all the days in Seattle's history, we may have had the top 10 perfect days to go up the Space Needle! We could see all of the mountains surrounding the city. It was absolutely breath taking!
Waiting in line for the elevator ride Jed got lots of play time with aunt Debbie and Great Grandpa!

Great Grandpa, mom and Jonathan

Mount Rainier
After a long day, Jed wanted to snuggle with mommy... he was such a trooper!

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