Saturday, July 25, 2009

Garrapata Park

On thursday night (late) we drove to carmel after our last softball game.  We were so tired because we usually go to bed around 10:00... I had to sleep but Jesse stayed strong and we arrived at 12:15 ish.  Luckily we had a Wawona Peach to keep Jesse awake!  We went to lunch at a burger joint and then went on a little excursion to Garapata State Park.

Garapata State Park is just eight miles south of Carmel.  It was so beautiful!  As we drove there, the coastline was rocky with cliffs and there was one stretch of about one mile of sandy beach.  The sky was royal blue, the water was a dark blue and teal, and the waves were huge!  

There was a little trail that we had to walk down to get to the stairs to the beach.   The wild flowers were gorgeous... yellow, red, purple... and the sand was this burnt red.  
The waves were so cyclic.  At one point, they would be all the way down where you can see in the picture, the next set would come in and be all the way up by the group of people at the right of the picture.  We had to be really careful that Jazzie didn't get washed away!

You could hear the water hit this rock!

Jesse had so much fun climbing on the rocks!

And Jazzie had fun digging in the sand... and eating it!  (Her tummy is growling today!)

We recommend this beach to everyone who comes to carmel!


  1. You are a blogging machine and I love it! Your pictures are always beautiful! Glad you are having fun, now come home already.

  2. Traveling and have taken it to another level!! lol Nice pics!!! we hope you guys are having fun in Carmel.
    Rob & Katie

  3. I love that Jesse has on a Canada sweater. Go Canada!
